山梨大学大学院総合研究部 医学域基礎医学系 解剖学講座構造生物学教室


Website Updated.

The website of the Department of Anatomy, Structural Biology Laboratory has been updated.

Our new paper has been published in the journal Molecular Biology of the Cell.

We are pleased to announce that a paper by Sr. Assist. Prof. Kubo, Ms. Sasaki (3rd-year medical student), and Prof. Oda has been published in the journal Molecular Biology of the Cell.

The study investigates the role of tubulin glycylation in ciliary and flagellar motility by generating a novel Chlamydomonas mutant lacking the monoglycylase TTLL3. The findings reveal that glycylated tubulin regulates ciliary motility by modulating outer arm dyneins. This significant insight highlights the impact of glycylation on ciliary function and provides a foundation for exploring cellular motility mechanisms and their implications in diseases associated with ciliary dysfunction.

Our new paper has been published in Communications Biology.

We are excited to announce the publication of our latest research in Communications Biology. This study, led by Dr. Haruaki Yanagisawa, Dr. Yoshihiro Kita, Professor Toshiyuki Oda, and Dr. Masahide Kikkawa, uncovers the intricate structure of the uroplakin complex within the porcine urothelial membrane using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). This groundbreaking study enhances our understanding of the urothelial permeability barrier and the structural dynamics of membrane proteins, paving the way for future research into cellular motility mechanisms and related diseases.

Prof. Oda has awarded HFSP Research Grant 2023.

Our lab is excited to announce the receipt of the prestigious Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) research grant for 2023. This grant supports our cutting-edge research aimed at uncovering the biophysical and structural rules underlying the assembly of sarcomeres, the essential contractile units of muscle cells.

This ambitious research involves collaboration with international experts:

  • Dr. Kristina Djinovic Carugo (EMBL Grenoble): Specializes in structural biology and electron microscopy.
  • Dr. Jonas Ries (University of Vienna): Pioneer in super-resolution microscopy.
  • Dr. J. Travis Hinson (Jackson Laboratory): Leader in genetics and genomics.